DIY Bar Cart

Bar carts are a must-have decor item for apartments and homes. I wanted to create my own while still being frugal of the cost. I saw this cute DIY bar cart on Pinterest and found that all I would need was a trip to IKEA and a stop at Michaels. At IKEA I found the BYGEL Utility Cart that was completely white and the shape I was looking for. The only time-consuming part was putting the cart together. However, it was convenient spray painting the pieces of the frame first instead of trying to do it complete.

My apartment is accented with golds so I bought a shiny gold spray paint from Michaels and applied two coats. I found so many gorgeous marble bar carts online that I could only dream of buying, so instead I faked it out and bought a marble laminate adhesive that looks just as close to perfect as the real thing! Fake it til you make it! I ordered it from Darby Smart and there are also some on Amazon at decent prices. After I spray painted the frame and assembled the bar cart I applied the adhesive last to the tops of the shelves. It is tricky to apply it by yourself because there can be air bubbles trapped beneath if you do not even it out correctly. I would recommend having a  friend hold it while you smooth it over. The adhesive laminate came out as a nice, glossy finish and I decorated the cart with a plethora of assorted wine and bar accessories. I was so excited of the final outcome and it is a super simple, glamorous piece to store and showcase all of your drinking paraphernalia. The materials I used for this project are found below!


Materials: Utility Cart, Paint, Marble Laminate


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